The word mandala comes from the Indian word „Sanskrit“ and means „circle – centre“. And indeed, the motif of the circle has fascinated mankind since time immemorial and appears all around us. Even the universe itself is a mandala, just as the circle has neither beginning nor end, and its origin is not specified for us. Therefore, mandala as a symbol of infinity (neither the end nor the beginning is specific) is a fairly accurate definition. In addition to the circular principle, the mandala can be briefly described as a formation with a fixed centre around which the other elements revolve in harmony and with precise order. In a mandala, these elements are made up of regular symbols in an often symmetrical arrangement.

The proof that the mandala has its origin in the very origin of the universe is also found in the very arrangement of the planets and each cell of the individual. It is enough to observe a spider making a web – a mandala. We look at the stump of a tree where the rings are visible. We throw a stone into the water and observe the concentric circles that form on the surface of the water. And we can go on like this indefinitely. Thus the mandala is older than humanity itself, a universe whose boundaries we are unable to capture, just as the circle has no beginning or end.

Mandalas are all around us. Let us look carefully into our own eye. It is not just the pupil, the iris, and the whites all around. It is the mandala itself; it is the expression of our soul. Each iris has its own specific colour, texture and shape. It is composed of tiny scales joined together in interesting shapes. From the eyes one can read illness (irisdiagnosis), the state of a person (infatuation, anxiety, sadness, joy, happiness) and the eyes themselves can also heal. The mandala is exactly the same and much more. Mandalas reflect the emergence of forms in our world, they reflect nature and our essence at the same time. They speak to us on a level we cannot intellectually grasp. But we can feel it, and mandalas speak to our soul. Every shape and every colour has an effect on us and opens a doorway to ourselves, to our essence. Mandalas have a subtle yet powerful harmonizing effect.

I myself am dedicated to painting these circular gems. Each mandala consists of 4 layers that are interconnected. Each layer has its own specific meaning. The inner 3 layers depict the energies of a person on a physical, mental and spiritual level. The fourth layer is our life number. The fifth number is the background color- it is the environment in which we live our life challenges. The color scheme of the mandala itself is not random or intuitive. I calculate the different layers of the mandala according to Pythagorean numerology based on first name, last name and date of birth. Everything has its own meaning and forms a coherent whole. That is why each mandala is unique, original and tailor-made.


The function of a mandala, especially a personal one, is to harmonize our whole personality, act as a means of concentration, help improve memory, calm the mind. The mandala works on a subconscious level. All we have to do is look into its centre and let ourselves be drawn into it. Anything that comes to mind then indicates that the mandala has spoken to us.


I use the same principle to calculate both the family and partner mandalas, where the partner mandala intensely connects both partners on a conscious and subconscious level and facilitates mutual equivalence in the relationship.

In the family mandala, all family members are connected (here I need names, surnames and birth dates of all family members).

I have my own photo gallery of mandalas on this site and I hope that you too will be as captivated by them as I am and perhaps decide to create your own mandala. The ones in the gallery already belong to someone, but I will be happy to draw you a personal, partner or family one to delight yourself or someone close to you.

The size of your choice from 20 x 20 cm to 100 x 100 cm and the price depends on the size and difficulty of the mandala.